Source: Business Cycle Forecasting Team, CDRI
1. (a): actual; (f): estimated; (p): predicted.
2. The most recent reference cycle turning point: September 2016 (trough).
3. Leading indicator sub-indicators: (1) Real GDP of the Transportation and Storage Industry*, (2) Private Real Fixed Capital Formation*, (3) Net Balance of Trade in Services Revenue and Expenditure*, (4) Initial Acceptance of Unemployment Benefits (inverted), (5) Net Entry Rate of Employees in the Commercial Services Industry, (6) Stock Price Index of the Commercial Service Industry, (7) Real GDP of Finance and Insurance*.
4. Coincident indicator sub-indicators: (1) Real GDP of Wholesale and Retail Industry*, (2) Real GDP of Accommodation and Catering Industry*, (3) Real GDP of Real Estate and Residential Industry*, (4) Real Consumption of Residential Services, Utilities, and Other Fuel Industries*, (5) Number of Employees in the Service Industry.
5. Lagging indicator sub-indicators: (1) Real Consumption of Tobacco and Alcohol*, (2) Real Consumption of Clothing, Footwear, and Accessories*, (3) Real Consumption of Furniture, Equipment, and Household Maintenance*, (4) Initial Acceptance of Unemployment Benefits.
* Indicates that these indicators are calculated based on quarterly data and may require extrapolation due to data limitations.