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    CDRI presents the “Second Generation of Entrepreneurs in Sustainable Development Program and visited

    Commerce Development Research Institute(CDRI) presents the “Second Generation of Entrepreneurs in Sustainable Development Program” for the first time. The course exclusively prepared by Chairman Hsu Chung-Jen of today (21st) is “Learning from Corporate Leaders” where trainees will visit the chain stores of PXMart. Through practical field work, the trainees can learn the mode of operation in different trade circles, the skill of inspection on stores, how to coach the employees on the scene and demonstrate the role as leader. In exposure to real situations, trainees can absorb the essence of value of corporate management so that they may be more confident in taking over the operations from the older generation.

    Under the “Learning from Corporate Leaders” course, CDRI has arranged the visits to all stores of PXMart and a seminar. The trainees can ask Chairman Hsu Chung-Jen about “Method” in corporate management. With the field study on two stores, trainees can learn how to decide the mode of operation and positioning in different trade circles to yield the same kind of sales performance. Chairman Hsu Chung-Jen suggested that the autonomy of store management will increase and that the trainees should pay good attention to the “wave theory” in management. In this theory, a high wave will be interwoven with a low wave, whereby continued communications with the consumers for reinforcement of impression is necessary.

    In the course of the visit, the trainees also observe how Chairman Hsu Chung-Jen coached the employees, interact with employees, and motivate employees. They also observe the interaction and exchange between old and new employees in the yield multiplier effect for the enterprise. The setting, motion line design, overall performance of shop environment, service attitude of staff, simplification of service procedure, and warehouse management. The store managers explained to them every detail of the operation. Chairman Hsu Chung-Jen also shared his experience with the trainees in field study.
