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    The Business Practice Lecture Opened in Tainan, Chain Trend in the Post-Pandemic Era Analysis of the Future Store Trend

    Commerce Development Research InstituteCDRIcommissioned by the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs handle retail and catering industry talent value-added programs.  CDRI Vice President Chang, Hwang-Jen planned 15 business practice lectures content. Take advantage of business sharing and play a leading role in business. The theme is “business strategy in the post-pandemic era”. The third event of this year was held in Tainan a few days ago. The lecturer Pei-Fen Li is the general counsel of Association of Service Industries. We invited Leo Hu- the CEO of Wu Wha Ma catering company as host. There are Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan Joint Services Center, National Cheng Kung University EMBA Alumni Association, Kun Shan University, leaders and managers of chain catering and retail industries from Taipei, Yunlin, Tainan, Kaohsiung and other places to participate in the grand event.

      CDRI Vice President Chang, Hwang-Jen indicates there are more than 230,000 catering retailers in Taiwan, and large and medium-sized chain enterprises are developing towards multiple brands. In 2019, the total number of Taiwanese chain brands has grown slightly to 3,000 brands. Among them, the total number of new brands in the catering service industry has grown the most. The development should be towards people-oriented, following economy, housing economy, smart services, blockchain, community digital, service customization, etc. 

      Pei-Fen Li presents the topic of  "Chain Trends in the Post-pandemic Era" with the topic of "Chain Trends in the Post-pandemic Era", analyze the reasons and solutions for single-channel players losing to multiple channels, cross-channels or omnichannel companies, the challenges faced by corporate management in the VUCA era, and the four trends of future stores; Pei-Fen Li further pointed out that In the VACA World, Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity cover the road ahead. In the fog of the century, a stable, clear, simple and clear state of mind is an important training for business.

      According to Ministry of Economic Affairs Department of Statistics survey, there are 38.2% of retailers that provide online sales in first half year of 2020. During the pandemic period, revenue still increased slightly by 0.5%. Compared with retailers that do not provide online sales, revenue decreased by 5.4%. Retailers need to welcome the new generation of consumers by opening your mind and changing methods.
