Annual Project

    Annual Project

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    2016 Annual Development of Commercial Service Industry

        Project Summary:

        The overall objective of the project is to "optimize the business environment for business services and enhance the competitiveness of the industry in the face of domestic and foreign competition." Through a comprehensive and continuous research program, the long-term observation of Taiwan's business development and current situation, the government's resources to do the most effective configuration, accelerate the development of business services. In addition, base on the technology and internationalization of service industry development, we should use the experience of advanced service industry development as the reference for the government to formulate the development policy of commercial service industry, strengthen the development strategy of commercial service industry, and to become Taiwan's economy to further promote the main industry in the future.

        The objectives of the project are divided into four strategic directions, namely, "Legal System Optimization and Adaptation", "Resource-driven Innovation", "Regional Negotiation Observations" and "Industrial Development Links" to establish a forward-looking development and trend of business services researching on energy, advanced assessment and introduction of innovative concepts and business forms suitable development, planning for the "Advanced Study" in the program; the spread of the results of the program and the formation of the policy through the "Outcome Spread and Policy". With implementation and promotion, the strategic direction of the content is as follows:

        1. Optimization and Adjustment of the Legal System:
        Facing the rapid changes in the world industry and the impact of globalization, especially the rapid flow of capital and talent, Taiwan faces major challenges in terms of industry and regulation. In the part of the company law, as the current law takes the large-scale company as the standard prototype. Except for the fact that most of the companies in our country do not accord with the status quo of the small and medium-sized enterprises, the same legal framework is used by the small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition to the cost of compliance and the falsification of enterprises, the business operation of the need for flexible civil remediation group proposed amendments for the substantive impact of Taiwan's corporate law, should substantially adjusted in overall corporate law system inclining towards the direction of United Kingdom and the United States. Following the introduction of the British and American lock-In corporate system, the introduction of the directors' duty of loyalty and the disqualification of them and other British-American legal systems, there is still a gap to be overcome in proposing the proposed amendment.

        The following activities will be carried out in 2017:


        2. Innovation-Driven Resources:
         In the trend of global competition, Taiwan's previous manufacturing economy has changed; the service industry has become the main axis, the traditional manufacturing industry must also provide innovative services to increase the added value of products, and solve customer problems. Compared with other countries in the world, Taiwan's resource is scarce and the domestic market is not big. Therefore, our industries have considered how to exploit from the competitive advantages. Through intensive knowledge and service economy, the demand-side thinking cross-field integration innovation service has its operation mode. In recent years, Taiwan has suffered from the low-wage problem at the same time. However, Taiwan's industrial form has changed drastically, and the situation of aging with having fewer and fewer children has becoming more and more serious. In the face of Taiwan's labor shortage, how to transform "manpower" into "talent" is an issue for the government bring into the next step while thinking about the direction.

        The following activities will be carried out in 2017:


        3. Regional Negotiations and Observations:
        For countries that have signed trade agreements, preferential terms of trade will help to promote the growth of total trade, the elimination of non-trade barriers can further promote the flow of goods between countries. For non-member countries that do not meet the high standards of trade, they will have significant trade barriers such as the use of new e-business technologies, new logistics innovations and new environmental standards. From the global trade integration, we will also enhance the country's technology research and development, industrial development has a strong threat. Through the study of the high standard of trade in services, we understand the current trend of global trade in services and carry out industrial restructuring in Taiwan's commercial service industry to enhance the competitiveness of commercial competition, improve the industrial development environment, promote quality service exports and achieve sustainable economic growth.

        The following activities will be carried out in 2017:


        4. The Industrial Development Chain:
        Relative to global economy, Taiwan is a small one, affected by international changes in violent way, resulting in the importance of structure development of domestic market-oriented economic. However, facing the trend of aging, lack of resources and wisdom, the development of the industry will not be able to meet the needs of the industry. It will directly affect the key energy of Taiwan's economic development. The technology placement system tool is used to test the technology placement of the business and to guide the industry to enhance the use of technology, thereby enhancing the capability and level of technology application in retail, catering and other business services. At the same time, through the Taiwan-Japan cross-border exchange platform to strengthen business cooperation between the two sides, and examine the life of our industrial ecosystem, to explore the challenges facing the industry and the lack of driving factors, and benchmarking countries to promote practices, with the proposed policy recommendations in order to optimize the future of Taiwan's life service industry development environment.

        At the same time, a comprehensive and continuous business services to build information to long-term observation of Taiwan's business development and upgrading of service industries to promote the government's resources to do the most effective allocation of information through the building to provide leading information to enhance the use of information value, and to assist grasping the development trend of the industry, and hoping to help businesses access to the practical benefits of commercial applications in long-term observation of Taiwan's business development and the status of business services to accelerate the development of business services. The other is for the applicability of business items classification issues, a comprehensive understanding and analysis for the government to promote the development of new industries and reference.

        The following activities will be carried out in 2017:


        5. Forward and Ahead-of -Time Research:
        Due to the large number of sub-sectors and authorities in the service sector, coupled with highly challenging goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Taiwan, cross-ministry communication and coordination is needed. In order to clearly understand the reduction targets of various service industries; estimate the carbon dioxide emissions and carbon reduction is expected to continue to track and dynamically update the industry trends.

        The following activity will be carried out in 2017:


        6. Achievement Diffusion and Policy Assignment:
        The results of the research and the application of the project will be expanded to spread out knowledge and energy to the outside world, which will lead to an increase in the industry's impact on the business services sector. In concern, and guide enterprises emerging thinking, to drive the growth benefits of Taiwan's commercial services industry.

        The following activities will be carried out in 2017:

